ibas++ – আইবাস++ (Integrated Budget and Accounting System) হচ্ছে বাংলাদেশ সরকারের সমন্বিত বাজেট এবং হিসাবরক্ষণ ব্যবস্থা। সরকারি গেজেটেড কর্মকর্তাদের এপ্রিল মাসের বেতন বিলের জন্য উপরে থাকা বাটনে ক্লিক করে লগইন করতে পারেন আপনার ibas++ একাউন্টে।

২০১৭-২০১৮ পর্যন্ত পুরাতন কোড অনুযায়ী এবং ২০১৮-২০১৯ পর্যন্ত নতুন কোড ব্যবহারকারীদের লগইন করতে হবে। এছাড়াও বাটনের উপরে সর্বশেষ আপডেট দেয়া থাকবে। ibas++ একটি ইন্টারনেট-ভিত্তিক সফটওয্যার, যার মাধ্যমে সরকারের বাজেটপ্রণয়ন, বাজেট বাস্তবায়ন যথাঃ বরাদ্দ বিভাজন, অর্থ অবমুক্তি, বাজেট পুনঃউপযােজন, অনলাইনে বিল দাখিল এবং তার বিপরীতে চেক বা ইএফটির মাধ্যমে অর্থ প্রদান, রাজস্ব জমার হিসাবরক্ষণ, স্বয়ংক্রিয় ব্যাংক হিসাব সমন্বয় ইত্যাদি আর্থিক কর্মকাণ্ড সম্পন্ন করে থাকে।

ibas++ Brief Introduction – ibas++ (Integrated Budget and Accounting System) It is an internet-based software through which the government budgets Preparation, budget implementation such as allocation, the release of funds, budget recap, online bill submission and reverses payment by check or EFT, revenue collection accounting, automation Financial activities like bank account coordination, etc. can be done.

Budgeting of ibas++- The budget can be formulated in two processes through ibas++. First, in the field level offices, The strategic objectives of the Ministry are in line with the possible initial expenditure provided by the Ministry The budget data is entered into the system considering the priority sector and it is funded by the Ministry. Sends to the department. Thus, the budget estimates and projections are prepared by the field level departments, directorates, and The ministry formulates the budget step by step and after submitting it to the finance department online, the finance department organizes a tripartite meeting. On the basis of the consensus of the tripartite meeting, the Ministries finalized the initial expenditure limit and sent it back to the Finance Department. The Finance Department then presents the National budget for approval in Parliament. All the documents, reports and analysis related to this were made from ibus++

ibas++ is a budget preparation modules 2025 / ibas++ budget execution modules 2025

Budget Implementation of ibas++- Budgets approved by Parliament through the Budget Implementation Module are first loaded on General Ledger, thereby maintaining control over the proposed budget in terms of allocation, the release of funds, purchase orders and expenditure. To accomplish the following tasks through the Budget Implementation Module Goes to

Caption: ABOUT iBAS++

ibas++ – Accounting and budget execution modules 2025

  1. The budget of the Government of Bangladesh is formulated at the national level, i.e. a single number is fixed for a single sector of all the offices of a department across the country.
  2. For example, the budget says how much is allocated for a travel allowance of all Upazila Agriculture Offices across the country. But before spending this money, a separate allocation for the travel allowance of each Upazila Agriculture Office has to be fixed.
  3. This process is known as allocation division. Allocation segmentation can be done seamlessly through ibas++ Allocation segmentation module. Excess budget allocations or additional allocations are automatically controlled by the software. Moreover budget allocation and expenditure.
  4. This module covers every step from online purchase and bill submission by DDOs to bill monitoring and approval, issuing checks or EFTs to recipients, sending electronic advice to the bank, adjusting electronic debit and credit scroll systems through the bank. Will. Being controlled by General Ledger, this module will verify the budget where necessary and the additional cost of allocation.
  5. Ibas++ will have a database of employees, on the basis of which the salary bill will be prepared automatically and officers and DDOs will be able to submit it online. Other bills, including travel allowance bills, can also be submitted online.
  6. Each stage of self bill approval and payment of checks or EFTs can be viewed online. In addition, a database of pensioners will also be in the system so that it will be possible to pay pensions automatically through EFT. Ibus ” will provide a database of suppliers, on the basis of which it will be possible to bring them under EFT.
  7. The ibas++ system is useful for existing and proposed new budgeting and accounting classification systems, not only that but also in the event of any subsequent changes to the classification system.

Who is general ledger?

General ledger ibas++ The General Ledger module is the central control point of the ibas++ which serves as an important behind-the-scenes regulator of the government’s financial management. After the budget is approved, it The ‘Budget Appropriation’ of the module is loaded through the sub-module. Then all the transactions that take place in ibas++, that is, the allotted division hack or money expenditure hack, everything is included in the general ledger and the status is updated contrary to the corresponding classification code. This module provides instant access to the latest accounts of government revenue and expenditure as opposed to each account code, as well as a complete picture of the government’s financial assets and liabilities and related financial flows.

Cash Management – As part of development projects and programs, the money is spent on a quarterly basis after the release. ibas++ has a system in place to make this work more efficient, as well as to avoid additional budget constraints and over expenditure. It is possible to make important analyzes in this regard, which play a valuable role in cash management.

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ibas++ । সরকারি বেতন বিল দাখিল করুন